Мне понравилось, что номер был просторным - отдельная спальня, гостиная и кухня были здесь. Также хорошо, что в ванной комнате был фен. Полотенца не были дешевыми. Отличный завтрак.
Кухня была не слишком хорошо оснащена. Кондиционер при работе ужасно шумел, особенно ночью, когда везде была тишина. В стеклянных раздвижных дверях не работал замок.
Just 3 km from the Forum at Olympia Parkway shopping center this hotel offers an outdoor pool and free WiFi access. A full hot breakfast is served daily.All apartment-style suites at the Navona Live Oak Hotel include a full kitchen with microwave refrigerator stovetop oven and dishwasher. Rooms include a walk-in closet and 32-inch flat-screen TV. Tea and coffee-making facilities are also provided. The living room offers a work space and sofa bed.A fitness centre and a 24-hour business centre are located on site at the Navona Live Oak Hotel. Onsite guest laundry facilities are provided.Randolph Air Force Base is just 8 km from this hotel. San Antonio International Airport is 19 km away. Schlitterbahn Water Park is 30 minutes' drive away.
Important information
Room amount
Internet Services
13101 E Loop 1604 N, San Antonio, TX 78233, USA, Live Oak
Check in/out
Check-in from 14:00:00 until 00:00 Check-out from 06:30 until 12:00:00
This section presents detailed information about the hotel Navona at Live Oak located in San Antonio: pictures of rooms, rates, amenities, etc. On the website you can choose and book any room of Navona at Live Oak without a fee. It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photos displayed.
Мне понравилось, что номер был просторным - отдельная спальня, гостиная и кухня были здесь. Также хорошо, что в ванной комнате был фен. Полотенца не были дешевыми. Отличный завтрак.
Кухня была не слишком хорошо оснащена. Кондиционер при работе ужасно шумел, особенно ночью, когда везде была тишина. В стеклянных раздвижных дверях не работал замок.
Just 3 km from the Forum at Olympia Parkway shopping center this hotel offers an outdoor pool and free WiFi access. A full hot breakfast is served daily.All apartment-style suites at the Navona Live Oak Hotel include a full kitchen with microwave refrigerator stovetop oven and dishwasher. Rooms include a walk-in closet and 32-inch flat-screen TV. Tea and coffee-making facilities are also provided. The living room offers a work space and sofa bed.A fitness centre and a 24-hour business centre are located on site at the Navona Live Oak Hotel. Onsite guest laundry facilities are provided.Randolph Air Force Base is just 8 km from this hotel. San Antonio International Airport is 19 km away. Schlitterbahn Water Park is 30 minutes' drive away.
Important information
Room amount
Internet Services
13101 E Loop 1604 N, San Antonio, TX 78233, USA, Live Oak
Check in/out
Check-in from 14:00:00 until 00:00 Check-out from 06:30 until 12:00:00
This section presents detailed information about the hotel Navona at Live Oak located in San Antonio: pictures of rooms, rates, amenities, etc. On the website you can choose and book any room of Navona at Live Oak without a fee. It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photos displayed.