December 02 2010соотношение цена - качество
бронировал одно предлагали при заселении другое (лишняя нервотрепка). Очень большая разница между этажами размещения, например 3 и 5
January 02 2013Яркий и красочный вид на площадь Кирова на Новый Год, отличный лондонский паб по соседству с приятной атмосферой и возможностью курить.
Русским нужно много узнать о курении, чтобы получить преимущество, особенно в районах, где они пытаются привлечь туристов. В лондонском пабе мы должны были идти через прокуренное помещение, чтобы добраться до места для некурящих!!! это отвратительно!
July 06 2012Ottimo Hotel, un pò stile sovietico all'esterno ma ottimamente ristrutturato all'interno. Buon ufficio turistico che ha organizzato ottimamente l'escursione di due giorni all'isola Olkhon sul Baikal.
Cosa strana che mi è capitata per la prima volta. Ci sono 2 ambienti per il Brekfast, uno molto elegante e fornitissimo e l'altro semplice e sufficientemente fornito. A secondo della tipologia della camera si poteva accedere all'uno o all'altro. Ai clienti booking era riservato quello di basso livello.
April 10 2012Good location. Friendly stuff. Free internet access without problem.
Pretty small room.
October 15 2011Friendly staff on each floor...
September 29 2011The Angara is nicely located with the main streets within walking distance.
This hotel really sucks. Staff is unfriendly and forgets all English when there are issues. If you want to pay with American Express be prepared to fight over it (they don't take it). Rooms are really smelly and small (cigarette smoke + air freshener = very bad), the tv is tiny, bath robes and other comforts that are advertised on the website don't exist. Wifi exists but does not work. If you want to leave your bag in storage it's rub 50 extra. And they will not necessarily have your reservation (more arguing). Truly not recommended.
September 11 2011Poorly
September 09 2011Seems one of the hotels left in a busy period... Standard comfort, ...
Typical Russian style hotel with person on each floor...internet access in the room terrible, even in the reception area on the floor, the internet was poor.. Breakfast was minimal, and not so tasty... Ok for a few days, but no recommended for longer periods... Ok for tourist visits....
August 29 2011es ist zentral gelgen / it is in centre of Irkutsk
zu teuer, unfreundliche Mitarbeiter, haben von nichts eine Ahnung und koennen einem keine Auskunft geben, nicht einmal ueber die Hotel Einrichtungen... / to expensive, unfriendly Staff, they know nothing not even about the hotel own facilities...
Not bad
July 29 2011Angara Hotel is close to the Karl Marx street, and it was pretty easy to go around in the city with this hotel as a base. Also, the rooms were okay, and the staff just as I expected.
The restaurant in the same building as the Hotel was not good at all. I do not remember the name, but we were four people, and I got my food first, after about 20 minutes. And it took about 10 minutes between the next three people, so I was finished with my coffee when the last one of us got their meal.
June 05 2011cannot use cread card >"<