Всё! Очень любезный персонал, хостел прямо напротив аэропорта, поэтому добраться до него несложно. Номер чистый, кровать удобная, ванная превосходная. Очень хороший ресторан: настоящий завтрак с богатым выбором блюд, и в любом количестве!
If you’re looking for a family-friendly small hotel in Poznan, look no further than Comm Hotel.
For those interested in checking out popular landmarks while visiting Poznan, Comm Hotel is located a short distance from Stadion Poznan (1.7 mi) and Lokomotywa (1.8 mi).
Comm Hotel is a family-friendly small hotel offering air conditioning in the rooms, and it is easy to stay connected during your stay as free wifi is offered to guests.
The small hotel features a 24 hour front desk, a concierge, and room service. Plus, guests can enjoy breakfast, which has made this a popular choice among travelers visiting Poznan. For guests with a vehicle, free parking is available.
If you’re looking for a seafood restaurant, consider a visit to Słon - seafood & more or Sushi Point, which are all conveniently located a short distance from Comm Hotel.
If you’re looking for something to do, Solacki Park is a nice way to spend some time.
The staff at Comm Hotel looks forward to serving you during your upcoming visit.
Important information
Room amount
Internet Services
Free WiFi
ul. Bukowska 348/350 60-189 Pozna ,ul. Bukowska, Poznan
This page presents full information about the hotel Comm Hotel located in Poznan: photo of rooms, rates, amenities, etc. On the website you can choose and book suitable room of Comm Hotel without a fee. It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photos displayed.