March 03 2015шаг от метро, хороший ремонт, посетители хостела в основном молодеж, огромная ванная, есть все что бы приготовить еду, бесплатный чай кофе и сахар.
October 20 2014It was very hard to find the hostel because it has no signing and after I found it to my surprize the hostel was closed for renovation even though my reservation was confirmed by email!!! I tried to call on the phone that was listed on the website to ask some questions about paiment before I arrived to Moscow, but that number turned out is not direct phone number of the hostel it was a number of a hotel booking agency. So there is no way to talk to them and the booking agency aperintly has no knowlige that the hostel is not open for business.
September 02 2014отличное местоположение-минута от метро Белорусская,чисто ,спокойно) отличные администраторы) останавливалась там на достаточно долгое время,более месяца.
September 01 2014Близко к вокзалу и метро. Удобное расположение, чисто, удобно. Отзывчивые хозяева:)
не нашел:)